Since 2021 Cheeky Nibble has been on a mission to become the leading brand for premium, fun and delicious snacks and cereals which are free from allergens yet full of flavour. The idea is to offer customers an ethical and allergen free alternative to a traditional snack or breakfast ‘on the go’.
Having originally launched with compostable packaging, the brand soon discovered some challenges with the model. Many customers were simply putting the packaging in with their general waste bin, which risks contaminating and blocking the recycling process.
Cheeky Nibble was also finding compostable packaging limited the shelf life of its products – it was time for a change.
As a time-poor founder with a growing business to nurture, Marietta Hickman immediately felt the benefit of OPRL’s expertise.
Research shows that just 10% of the UK population can effectively compost at home, but as OPRL knows only too well, for the remaining 90% the best place to dispose of compostable plastics is in landfill.
In order to ensure that packaging was disposed of in the most sustainable way and to extend the shelf life of Cheeky Nibble’s products, our team advised moving to fully recyclable packaging. Thanks to OPRL’s expert advice and guidance, Marietta felt informed and supported throughout the process.
By offering guidance on the company’s specific packaging challenges and understanding the founder’s ambition to be as sustainable as possible, OPRL’s team have offered a cost-effective and practical solution to a complex business challenge.
The result? Cheeky Nibble is well-positioned to reduce wastage and expand internationally, thanks to the improved shelf life of its delicious granola. Moreover, since joining OPRL the brand also has access to further knowledge surrounding the entire recycling process – from using the right materials and labelling, through to upcoming recycling legislation.