pEPR will apply across the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Government has proposed the introduction of a single point of obligation (i.e., a single producer is responsible for the cost of managing a piece of packaging). This will focus the obligations onto those who are best placed to reduce and/or increase the recyclability of the packaging they use, so is most likely to be the brands and retailers.
Ahead of the implementation of pEPR, there will be an interim solution for managing packaging waste arising from businesses. This will be based around the current Packaging Recovery Note (PRN) system, whereby packaging producers purchase PRNs and PERNs to show they have met the recycling obligations for the packaging they have placed on the market, and to support investment in reprocessing.
The new pEPR system will have the same de minimis (minimum level where this is applied) for producer recycling obligations and disposal cost payments as the current PRN system (turnover of £2m and handle 50 tonnes of packaging). But a new lower threshold has been introduced for small companies with a turnover of £1m and handle 25 tonnes of packaging to report their packaging data.